Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Stress relief

So alot of folks are asking me now, "Are you getting nervous?" To be honest, not nearly as much as one would think. I'm more nervous that everything runs smoothly and that Stacey and I haven't forgotten some key thing. Even if we do forget something, I'm sure we can roll with it.

As far as other nervousness, nothing really. I know I've met the woman of my dreams, and I'm just lucky enough to be able to get to marry her. I'm sure that the wedding day will be great, and nothing will get me down.

I'm pretty pumped about the Honeymoon too. We finally were given the details of the Accomodations we have on the tour, and most of them look really awesome! There are a few... rustic ones. Which I don't think is a bad thing. When you're in the middle of the Outback, you kinda want rustic.

As far as what little stress I do have right now, Stacey and I have been doing fun stuff to mix up the running around. For example, we did a little impromptu photoshoot on our way to see Bruce and Brad Boland's band, The Jukebox Junkies, play at the Falls. Now that I've seen the shots, I really have a hankering to play around with my camera some more. I managed to take a few stunning shots of Stacey against the Niagara skyline. I have to say between the "subject matter" and the time of day, it's one of the most beautiful pictures I've been able to take.

This weekend I imagine we'll bear down and see if we can hash out some final things so that we can be on a bit of a cruise control the last 2 weeks. What needs to be done:

- Seating Plan
- Telling the limo company what our itinerary is
- Figuring out how the reception will go
- Planning with our awesome MC's about how the reception will go
- Meeting with Darrin to discuss how the Ceremony will go

Amongst other things. So a lot of small-medium stuff. I'm not too worried.. Yet.

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