Monday, June 14, 2010

Of Showers and Bachelor Parties

So we're into week 2 of "Silly Season", and I've got 2 Jack and Jill Showers and a Bachelor Party under my belt.

I gotta say I'm not used to receiving so many gifts and being the focus of attention by default, and not by being my normal self. I'm not sure if this will get me into trouble, but Stacey has admitted to me that she likes being the centre of attention. Which is nice, because usually when she has the attention she goes bright red, and gets really quiet. Get used to the attention, sweetheart. When you hang out with me, the attention often shifts your way. :)

Truly everyone has been very generous, and both showers that I've been to were fun times! Stacey's family shower was a smashing success. My future Mother-In-Law, Uncle Kenny, Aunt Lorie, and all the cousins did a great job! I had a lot of fun chatting with soon-to-be in-laws, and enjoying some good food. The Waterloo shower had some awesome food, and good conversation. We got some good/funny advice in the form of "postcards" from Australia at the Waterloo shower too, so those were fun to read after the fact. I'll probably share some of those later on.

One thing I'm not used to is not being able to reciprocate. There's a subtle difference in the way that my family and Stacey's family interact. In my family, everyone tries to keep things even... to absurd lengths. At Christmas when purchasing gifts, I find myself thinking about what the person I'm buying for will probably spend on me, and try my best to match what to spend on them based on that estimate. I've found that in the past if I "overspend" on a gift for someone, there may be hurt feelings. It's kinda bizarre, but that's just how our family is. Everybody wants everyone to be even.

With Stacey's family I don't see that. I've picked up on the attitude that "I'm going to give what I can, and when I'm in need, I'll get my turn to be on the receiving end", which I like. The amount of work/time/money that I've seen Stacey's family devote to gatherings such as our "Bloke and Sheilah" shower is incredible. But the attitude is almost "it'll all even out in the end", which is an attitude I can relate to.

Still, I have this tendency to want to help out and reciprocate where possible. It actually annoyed me that I was repeatedly denied helping clean up after the Waterloo shower by a certain Best Man of mine. But at the same time I can see why. Right now, people are being servants on Stacey and I's behalf. As much as I want to help out, or reciprocate, they're doing service, and who am I to prevent that? Certainly by me helping I wasn't preventing them from serving, and I still think I could've been allowed to help out a little, but I can see the point.

Add on top of that everyone lavishing us with gifts... I really feel like I need to be doing something to give back. And I'm sure that opportunity will come in the future. I just need to keep my eyes out for opportunities, and actually act on them when they come along.

I have to say that I couldn't have chosen a better Best Man, though. The Bachelor Party on Saturday was perfect. We went to the Playdium in Mississauga for the day, and enjoy some Video games, Go-Karts, Batting Cages, and about 6-8 holes of Mini-Putt before the skies opened up. Everyone had a fun time, including myself. :)

But if I'm honest, I'm more happy that everyone else had as good as time as I did. That's just who I am. If I'm doing something, i want to make sure everyone is enjoying whatever it is we're doing. Sports, games, working on something, having everyone enjoy something is where I get the most enjoyment. Paul did a good job of planning and getting everyone in on the action. My father actually was one of the last ones to leave! I enjoyed spending some time with him as well as my friends, and he seemed to enjoy the day too.

So all in all I am very blessed, a little overwhelmed, and adamant that in the future I will be able to do something to thank/reciprocate all the generosity that has been shown to Stacey and I.

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